Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Wednesday Blog: Week Six

In my search for connections to my topic in places other than in the books I am reading I came across the movie Blackfish. I haven’t watched this movie yet but I plan on watching it tonight. This movie is about Tilikum, a captive killer whale that has taken the lives of several people, underscores problems within the sea-park industry, man's relationship to nature, and how little has been learned about these highly intelligent mammals (  Here is the trailer to the movie.


  1. I have heard about this movie being very good, and shedding a light on the problems with this industry. I just recently saw an add about elephants being forced to do underwater tricks in front of crowds, this could be a multimedia aspect for your next quickburst.

    1. Wow really? that is concerning considering elephants are not supposed to get fully submerged because their large ears fill with water creating a very large potential for ear infections...

  2. Jess, I watched that movie a couple years ago and it was pretty good, I think it will fit with your topic well.

  3. The movie was very facinating. I learned a lot about what goes on behind closed doors in facilities like these. This movie showed me the other side of the issue, entertainment where as before I was focused on the comercial side of things
