Thursday, October 11, 2018

Thursday Blog: Week Five

This week I have continued to read Rattling The Cage by Steven M. Wise. As I read more of the book it continues to legally support the animal rights movement. As I previously mentioned the book makes many legal comparisons between controversial topics that affect our lives today. Along with the engaging topics, the format of the book is very interesting as it will tell the reader to read ahead if they already agree with his opinion. 

Watch this video for more information on Steven M Wise and What his goals are for the Nonhuman Rights Project

Image result for nonhuman rights projectThis interesting format is seen on page 144 where Wise says, "If you agree, you may postpone all dental work and go directly to Chapter 9"(Wise 144). Because this book is a legal but also persuasive book this phrase used by the author is very clever. He implies that the pages ahead will be dull and painful much like dental work because he has to prove something that he thinks should be common knowledge. I feel like taking into consideration overall strengthens his persuasive ability and his ability to appeal to many different groups of people. 

Image result for persuasion

This book's main purpose is not only to persuade through his word choice but he also persuades readers by providing so much evidence to support his claims. throughout each chapter, he provides many cases to support claims such as animals being cognitive. After giving a brief explanation he will give many specific examples of cases both past and present that prove his claim to be correct. This "claim, evidence, reasoning", a method which is common in scientific reports is exactly what makes Rattling The Cage such a successful persuasive book. 
Claim, Evidence, Reasoning Scientific Explanations Poster

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