Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Monday Blog: Week Six

This weekend I finished reading the book Rattling the Cage by Steven M. Wise but I still decided to write my blog on it because I have not read enough of my other book to analyze a quote. In the beginning of the book Wise constantly made connections between human rights and animal rights. The human right issues brought up in the book were abortion and slavery. In terms of abortion the book specifically talked about how if you are pro choice that you are taking away the rights of the unborn fetus. Wise later goes on to say that talking away rights from a unborn child is much like taking away the rights of animals. This is because neither of them can speak up for them sleeves. In respects to slavery Wise talks about involuntary servitude imposed on people before the civil war. He connect slavery to the way we use animals today and how we take advantage of them. The end of this book basically summarized the ideas previously introduced.

Image result for animal reproductive autonomy
Source: britannica.com
"The entitlement of [animals] to fundamental legal rights will mark a huge step toward stopping our unfettered abuse of them , just as human rights marked a milepost in stopping our abuse of each other"(Wise 237)
This quote basically compares the life of animals today to the lives of people before laws were passed to protect them and their rights. This quote also shows how Wise supports the idea that animals and people endure the same type of suffering, whether it be involuntary servitude or reproductive autonomy. By implying that the suffering endured by people and endure by animals is the same is one way Wise can appeal to a larger audience. This idea can appeal to those people interested in supporting other causes and therefore create a larger support for Wise’s position.
Image result for animal bill of rights
Source: livehonestly.com
As a high school student I fee like learning about current events and past events about human rights is very important. By implying that that animals and and humans both suffer from abuses of their rights has me very interested and I plan to learn more about the comparison between the two.I am not sure where I stand on believing that animals are equivalent to human slaves. Besides that, I agree that making a document that specifically states what Animals rights are and what protections they deserve that they would be treated far better. Personally, Wise's connection to human rights makes his position and ideas easier to comprehend because I have something to compare it against.
Image result for humanitarian animal rights and people rights
Source :quotemaster.org

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