Friday, October 19, 2018

Friday Blog: Week Six

This week I finished reading last weeks book, Rattling the Cage by Steven M. Wise pages 223 to 384. in addition to that, I began reading Animal Liberation by Peter Singer, pages 1- 120. This week especially while reading Animal Liberation I was only unfamiliar with a few words becuase I have already read so much on this topic.


Vindication (Page xii)-
to uphold or justify by argument or evidence.

Insurmountable (Page xiii)-   incapable of being surmounted, passed over, or overcome; insuperable:

Apparatus (Page 32)-
group or combination of instruments, machinery, tools, materials, etc., having a particular function or intended for a specific use:

Electroconvulsive (Page 43)-
Of or relating to a convulsive response to an electrical stimulus.

Aversive (Page 47)- 
of or relating to aversion.

Barbiturate (Page 67)-
any of a group of barbituric acid derivatives, used in medicine as sedatives and hypnotics.

Utterance (Page 75)-
an act of uttering; vocal expression.

Ignoramuses (Page 76)-
an extremely ignorant person.

Neuroma (page 102)-
tumor formed of nerve tissue.

Tenaciously (Page 117)-
holding fast; characterized by keeping a firm hold

All definitions are taken from

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