Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Wednesday Blog: Week Two

Through my reading of Monkey Business by Kathy Guillermo, I have learned not only a lot about the animal rights movement, but I have also learned a lot about People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). Before reading this book I had only heard of PETA, but I had never actually researched how it was founded. In fact, the case of the Silver Spring Monkeys was the case that made PETA gain support and momentum in the fight to end animal suffering. To further my understanding of PETA's role in the fight to remove the macaque monkeys from the Institute for Behavioral Research, I found one video which I found to be very enlightening and I also attached a link which is just as informational.


  1. This is such a different topic. Its great. You really think outside of the box and t lets the views see your different interests.

  2. There used to be a teacher at Pentucket who was very involved in PETA. I wonder if that's something you should look into.
