Friday, September 21, 2018

Friday Blog: Week Two

This week I finished the book Monkey Business by Kathy Guillermo. My reading this week was from page 107 to page 240. During my reading I came across a few words which I had previously not heard of before. Below I have given the word and their definitions. 


Syndicated (page 159)-
group of individuals or organizations combined or making a joint effort to under take some specific duty or carryout specific transactions or negotiations.

Obstinacy (page 159)-
the quality or state of being obstinate; stubbornness.

Irrespective (page 166)-
without regard to something else, especially something specified; ignoring or discounting .

Stonewalling (page 171)-
the act of stalling, evading, or filibustering, especially to avoid revealing politically embarrassing information.

Scurrilous (page 177)-
grossly or obscenely abusive.

Litigation (page 179)-
to make the subject of a lawsuit; contest at law.

Vivisection (page 182)-
the practice of subjecting living animals to cutting operations, especially in order to advance physiological and pathological knowledge.

Endowment (page 195)-
the property, funds, etc., with which an institution or person is endowed.

Repentance (page 196)-
deep sorrow, compunction, or contrition for a past sin, wrongdoing, or the like.

Memorandum (page 201)-
an informal message, especially one sent between two or more employees of the same company, concerning company business.

Bipartisan (page 205)-
representing, characterized by, or including members from two parties or factions.

Methodically (page 207)-
performed, disposed, or acting in a systematic way; systematic; orderly.

Peripheral (page 215)-
Anatomynear the surface or outside of; external.

Staunchly (page 224)-
firm or steadfast in principle, adherence, loyalty, etc., as a person.

Tentative (page 232)-
of the nature of or made or done as a trial, experiment, or attempt; experimental.
#FlashbackFriday: PETA President Ingrid Newkirk fights for the Silver Spring monkeys to be released from cruel labs!
As this blog will be my last on this book I included this photo of Ingrid Newkirk protesting about the Silver Spring Monkeys to show the large impact this case had at high levels.

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