Friday, November 2, 2018

Friday Blog: Week Eight

Books I read this quarter and page numbers. total 1,316 pages including note pages in the book.

  • Monkey Business by Kathy Snow Guillermo (254 pages)
  • Animal Scam by Kathleen Marquardt (221 pages)
  • Rattling the Cage by Steven M. Wise (384 pages)
  • Animal Liberation by Peter Singer (368 pages)
  • Animal Rights: Opposing Viewpoints by Janelle Rohr (89/253 pages)

As I read my final book Animal Rights: Opposing Viewpoints, pages 1- 89, I came across a few words that I was unfamiliar with. These words consist of...

Inegalitarian (page 19)
Not egalitarian; lacking in or disdaining equality.

Postulates (page 32)
To ask, demand, or claim.

Implausible (page 43)
Not plausible; not having the appearance of truth or credibility.

Sentient (page 45)
Having the power of perception by the senses; conscious.

Incessant (page 46)
Continuing without interruption; ceaseless; unending.

Wretchedness (page 53) 
Very unfortunate in condition or circumstances; miserable; pitiable.

Laudable (page 59)
Deserving praise; praiseworthy; commendable.

Trepidation (page 84)
Tremulous fear, alarm, or agitation; perturbation.

Dogmatic (page 84) 
Any strong set of principles concerning faith,morals, etc., as those laid down by a church; doctrinal.

(All definitions taken from

Image result for for or against animal rights

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